Government project available for bid... Anyone you know who is interested in a blockchain/cryptocurrency tracing project with the US government? Due date: July 14th. If you need help getting registered to be a vendor to the US government let me know.
Matthew Bennett replied:
I would love to learn more about this as there is a system q small team and i work on called qdna which would allow foe unlying integration with other blockchain methods.
Essential it becomes a secondary layer.... or could become a rapper and /or could be a unique integrator..
Seeing more blockchain projects from the government market. I will share them to the BCEcosystem when I see them.
Matthew Bennett replied:
I would love to learn more about this as there is a system q small team and i work on called qdna which would allow foe unlying integration with other blockchain methods.
Essential it becomes a secondary layer.... or could become a rapper and /or could be a unique integrator..
Okay, I would like to know more since I have been working on a tracing project with a friend.