As adoption of blockchain grows, an inevitable conversation about race and the distribution of wealth in this country from its inception until now, will have to be had. For now, I'll just share this nicely authored article to spark some thoughts and dialogue amongst yourselves and others..

Bitcoin, Blockchain, & the Black Community


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Linda Goetze
Linda Goetze 7/18/2019

Adam, thanks for sharing this!

Howard University Blockchain Lab offers great opportunity to those ready, willing and able to take advantage of it!

One of the things I most loved about the article was this quote, "The Blockchain does not ask for ethnicity, nationality, zip code, or socioeconomic status. All that is needed to participate is an internet connection." 

The human race finally has a unifying technology that empowers innovators anywhere there is digital connectivity to create opportunity for themselves and their communities.  

I'll look forward to seeing what comes from the innovators at Howard!