The series starts Monday August 24th.  sign up here:
You will hear from 21 of the top women in Blockchain and Crypto during this series, who we are very fortunate to have as leaders in our new digital economy.

We will cover topics such as:  Social Transformation, Technology and Humanity, Digital Strategy, DeMystifying Cryptocurrency, Executive Guide to Blockchain, Community Movements, Blockchain Uses, Crowdfunding, Virtual Money, Due Diligence, Breaking the Silos  and so much more! 
Crypto is not only a Technology, but also a movement into a societal shift of eliminating barriers of financial possibilities, creating and inventing future digital infrastructure, global finance, timeless transactions, multidisciplinary approaches, interdiscplinary functionality, and 
the biggest paradigm shift in our lifetimes! 


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Linda Goetze
Linda Goetze 9/14/2020

This has been an amazing series!  Thanks, Lori, for the amazing work to put it together!